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Vehicle Spotlight

Has your dream car turned into a nightmare? It won’t happen with these cars!
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Tips and Advice

A new report identifies the hottest wheels in the country.
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Featured Editorial

Auto shows, news, reviews, and all things Motoramic.

What's New?

Derived from GM's Motorama, the word "Motoramic" came from the ad wizards at Chevrolet in 1954 to describe their '55 models. Fast forward half a century, and designer Harley Earl's promise inspires the name of our new blog. Motoramic—fresh, bold, fast, fun, and just a bit nostalgic—covers the world of cars and the people driven by them.

Going Green

This week, we drive the Fisker Karma, a Danish-designed, Finnish-built series hybrid sedan that promises to jump-start eco-friendly transportation in America. But only if Fisker can find buyers willing to pay $102,000.

Auto Shows

This annual event, which touts itself as America's oldest auto show, dates back to 1901. The February show displayed glittering new production models headed to showrooms this year and beyond.

News to Use

After testing more than 260 new vehicles, Consumer Reports has announced its list of Top Picks, the best all-around models in their in each of their respective categories. For car shoppers, this is a great place to start.

Featured Videos

Car reviews and vehicle comparisons.

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