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BlackBerry and iPhone Funerals

The operation system Windows Phone 7 has reached the RTM stage and is ready for installing on mobile devices. It’s release is being planned for October 11 and the launch of communicators for the end of October, although in the USA they can appear only in November.  The Microsoft staff has celebrated this important milestone very originally. In the company’s campus in Redmond they held a symbolic funeral of BlackBerry and iPhone: a group of people in weeds were carrying big maquettes of these devices, there were even catafalques.

That’s evident such show should mean that BlackBerry and iPhone will die after launching the new generation device under the management of the operation system Windows Phone 7. Indeed, Microsoft lays great hopes on the new platform and supposes it can be a worthy competitor to the popular at present BlackBerry OS, iOS and Android. Now it’s difficult to say how Apple and RIM users will appreciate Microsoft’s joke of burying these devices.

But no matter what the reaction will be, mobile application developers have already started thinking about applications for the new platform or moving the existing one to this platform.

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