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Do you Believe That Astrology can Help Identify a Person's Character Traits?

Some believe the stars can predict the future. Some believe Astrology is a fortune telling taboo. I believe that God gave us a tool to use to help us understand each other better. What do you think?

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Best Answer karthikkash says

I believe that astrology helps in identifying most characters of a person. Just as moon has effects on a person's moods, other planets too have some effect to certain extent. Having said that, a person's characteristics are also determined by other factors such as the society he/she comes from and the environment he/she is brought up.

7 weeks ago
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  • Mmargie1966 7 weeks ago

    I totally agree, karthikkash! Thank you.


Jewels says

The original teachings of esoteric astrology were as a result of planetary forces. These forces included all things astral - so planets and fixed stars. Psychological traits were interpreted from the stars themselves. Ancient adepts at the craft deciphered through the visceral the effects these forces had on human behavior. The whole concept of astrology is to decipher the effects of heavenly objects on the human condition.

7 weeks ago
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hollytee says

I've just become more interested in my astrology and when it comes down to it, my astrology sign is spot on to how I am. I'm a Scorpio and everything I read into is totally true. (Of course with a few exceptions. Daily horoscopes normally aren't correct.) The relationship I'm in even corresponds very accurately to how compatible our signs are. It's crazy!

7 weeks ago
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